In my last post, we ran the Clockwork code generation tool to generate C++ code to wrap components of the Arduino Audio library in a Smalltalk-like dynamic message dispatch system. That was neat, but the value of this approach has yet to be generated. In this post, I'll show you how to write a minimalist parser for a tiny Smalltalk-like language that we can compile down to C++ code that uses our message dispatch system.
Smalltalk is famous for its minimal syntax, which fits on a postcard. It is like the lisp of objects. I am particularly discouraged by the activity of writing parsers. I just hate it! If I see a BNF grammar, I suddenly remember how the world outside of the computer is full of blue skies and little birds chirping in the sunshine. So I am going to do some cheats to making writing the parser so extremely easy that even I will not get the overwhelming desire to touch grass. Also, I should mention that I absolutely detest nested delimiters such as parentheses, so no, we won't just be using lisp syntax!
Here is an example program:
codec : Audio:Control:SGTL5000
tonesweep : Audio:Synth:ToneSweep
i2s : Audio:Output:I2S
tonesweep -> i2s
setup : codec .volume 0.5 0.5 . tonesweep .play 0.8 256 512 10
There are three sections. The first is for declarations. We only declare effects. We need this because we can have multiple instance of each effect. For instance, we could have two tone sweeps going into different outputs. Since there are multiple instances, we need to name them. Please note that these are not variables, we are merely naming instances.
The second section is for declaring data flows. This is primarily what you do when you use the Teensy graphical configuration tool. I really don't like the programming interfaces where you have a 2D canvas of boxes and drag lines between them, as seen in the Teensy software, PureData, Max, and Resolume Wire. I don't like it because the 2D canvas metaphor contains no meaningful program information. Where you place things in space is purely aesthetic. All that matters is the actual graph structure, which you can specify just fine in symbolic language. So I opted to just do this in text with some ASCII arrows. We use the named declared in the previous section in order to specify which instances we want to connect.
The third section is the one most like traditional Smalltalk. Our system is going to be event-based (because we are exploring Effective Programming ideas). So in this section we specify event handlers. An event handler takes a code block, which consists of one or more complete code sentences separated by " . " and each consisting of a subject (the to which we should send the message), a verb (the message to send), and some arguments to the message. I am using different terms here to denote the difference between syntactic and semantic constructions. The subject is just the first thing in the sentence. It will always be an object of some sort. We also always need at least one verb as that is how we send a message and all work gets done in this system by sending messages. Arguments are optional, and depend on the message. The sentence-ending " . " is only a separator and not needed on the last sentence of an event-handler.
You might also have noticed that our verbs are of the form ".volume" and ".play". Why the prepended dot? This is so that we can syntactically tell verbs apart from arguments in a position-independent manner, which will allow use to chain together verbs in a sentence. Here are some examples:
event1 : subject1 .verb1 argument1 argument2
event2 : subject2 .verb1 .verb2 argument1
event3 : subject3 .verb1 argument1 .verb2 argument2
In event1, there is one message, subject1.verb1 and it takes two arguments, argument1 and argument2.
In event2, there are two messages. The first messages is subject2.verb1. The result of that message, let's call it "result1", becomes the target for the second message, result1.verb2, and it takes one argument, argument1. Finally, event three has two messages, subject3.verb1 with argument1 and the result of that is the target of the second message, result1.verb2 with argument2.
So that's the syntax! Here's the parser:
import Foundation
import Text
public class BellParser
public required init()
public func generateBellProgram(url: URL) throws -> BellProgram
let bellSource = try String(contentsOfFile: url.path)
let source = Text(fromUTF8String: bellSource)
return try self.generateBellProgram(source: source)
public func generateBellProgram(source: Text) throws -> BellProgram
let instances = try self.findModuleInstances(source)
let flow2s = try self.findFlow2s(instances, source)
let handlers = try self.findHandlers(instances, source)
return BellProgram(instances: instances, flow2s: flow2s, handlers: handlers)
public func findClassName(_ sourceURL: URL, _ source: String) throws -> String
return sourceURL.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
public func findModuleInstances(_ source: Text) throws -> [ModuleInstance]
let lines = source.split("\n").filter
line in
return line.containsSubstring(" : ")
let parts =
line in
return line.split(" : ")
let goodParts = parts.filter
parts in
return parts.count == 2 && !parts[1].containsSubstring(" ")
let pairs = goodParts.compactMap
parts in
let left = parts[0]
let right = parts[1]
return (left, right)
let results = pairs.compactMap
(instanceName, moduleName) in
return ModuleInstance(module: moduleName, instanceName: instanceName)
return results
public func findFlow2s(_ instances: [ModuleInstance], _ source: Text) throws -> [Flow2]
let lines = source.split("\n").filter
line in
return line.containsSubstring(" -> ")
let parts =
line in
return line.split(" -> ")
let goodParts = parts.filter
parts in
return parts.count == 2
return try goodParts.compactMap
parts in
guard let source = parts.first else
throw BellParserError.noPart
guard let output = parts.last else
throw BellParserError.noPart
return Flow2(moduleA: source, moduleB: output)
public func findHandlers(_ instances: [ModuleInstance], _ source: Text) throws -> [EventHandler]
let lines = source.split("\n").filter
line in
return line.containsSubstring(" : ")
let pairs = try
line in
return try line.splitOn(" : ")
return pairs.compactMap
(event, blockText) in
guard let block = parseBlock(instances, blockText) else
return nil
return EventHandler(eventName: event, block: block)
func parseBlock(_ instances: [ModuleInstance], _ text: Text) -> Block?
if text.containsSubstring(" . ")
let parts = text.split(" . ")
let sentences = parts.compactMap { parseSentence(instances, $0) }
return Block(sentences)
guard let sentence = parseSentence(instances, text) else
return nil
return Block([sentence])
public func parseSentence(_ instances: [ModuleInstance], _ text: Text) -> Sentence?
let parts = text.split(" ")
guard parts.count >= 2 else
return nil
let subjectText = parts[0]
let verbText = parts[1]
let argumentsText: [Text]
if parts.count > 2
argumentsText = [Text](parts[2...])
argumentsText = []
let maybeInstance = instances.first
instance in
return instance.instanceName == subjectText
guard let subject = maybeInstance else
return nil
let verb = Verb(name: verbText)
let arguments: [Argument] = argumentsText.compactMap
(argumentText: Text) -> Argument? in
if argumentText.startsWith(":")
let floatRegex = try Regex("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$")
let integerRegex = try Regex("^[0-9]+$")
if argumentText.containsRegex(floatRegex)
return Argument.literal(.float(Double(string: argumentText.toUTF8String())))
else if argumentText.containsRegex(integerRegex)
guard let int = Int64(argumentText.toUTF8String()) else
return nil
return Argument.literal(.int(int))
return nil
return nil
return Sentence(subject: subject, verb: verb, arguments: arguments)
public enum BellParserError: Error
case noPart
case wrongType
It's pretty small, less than 300 lines and there is no BNF or parser generator in sight. This grammar is probably a little bit too simple for all the code we're going to want to write eventually, but it's sufficient to write our tone sweep example, so we can move on to writing a code generator that compiles this little language down to C++, which is what we'll do in the next post.